New Developments on Hutchinson Island
As you can see by the number of new signs up and down A1A, the island appears to have a flurry of residential development activity. PC Board members are meeting with the County Planning Staff and the Commissioners to help ensure that the needs of both the developers and island residents are understood and addressed. We are now also receiving information on development concepts earlier in the process, so that public input can be presented at the most effective time. The goal is to help ensure that the unique characteristics of the island are incorporated with all future growth plans. At the SLC BOCC meeting December 15th, the Commissioners discussed the need to ensure appropriate consideration of the evolving environment, especially in light of climate change and the impact on sea level rise, as well as design requirements based on changing customer demands, when reviewing the plans. Commissioners plan to have further discussion at a future BOCC Informal Meeting. We are also pleased to announce that representatives of the SLC Planning Staff, in addition to Commissioner Mitchell, will be among the guest speakers at the PC member meeting in January, which will provide another opportunity for SHI owners to learn more about the new development review process (see below for more details). Development project updates are shared on the website ( The next update will be in January. Comments are closed.
The President’s Council, working together, seeks to maintain and enhance the lives of the owners and residents of Hutchinson Island. President’s Council serves St Lucie County, Hutchinson Island resident concerns, such as beach & dune, island safety & beautification, roads, future development and County services affecting us. |